Our Practices

Devil's View Angus Stud - cows in pasture

High Density Grazing

High density grazing requires careful management and planning ensuring that the livestock are rotated through the grazing areas in a way that promotes healthy growth and productivity, while also minimizing negative impacts on the environment.

Pasture needs adequate rest between grazing periods and is not set by a clock.


Lost in the Grass

Livestock control

In-between existing barbed wire fence we installed permanent electric fencing predominantly single wire, we further dissect the strips into smaller 1ha paddocks with poly wire rollers to manage a healthy stocking density based on the pasture quality at hand.


Multi Species Pasture

We believe in creating a fertile environment, why add synthetic fertilisers when you can grow it hand in hand with the pasture.

In time the Radish and Turnip break down into the soil feeding microbes.

Brads Salad mix below created an environment where we grew our own fertility setting the pasture up for success.

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